Geboren am 10.03.2011

6 Rüden

1 Hündin

alle chocolate


Montecore Graceful
" Gino - Marley "
Montecore Graceful
" Ginger - Lucy "
Montecore Graceful
" Guilio - Nico "
Montecore Graceful
" Giovanni - Giotto "
Montecore Graceful
" Giacomo - Giacomo "
Montecore Graceful
" Giany - Scotty "
Montecore Graceful
" Giorgio - Kyon "


Die Eltern:


Dario - Montecore Calling Dr. Love


Cheyenne - Just Olympia van't Chielewout


Pedigree der Welpen:

Montecore Calling Dr. Love Chablais Overseas Treasure Ch Big Skys Stone Cutter
Ch Chablais Delorme Ziggy
Yari of the Music Forest Flanders Pride Aristocrat
Sweet Shadow of the Music Forest
Just Olympia v´t Chielewout Banners Lubberline Chock Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Banners Brown and Serve
Xena Venezia van´t Chielewout Darwin
Tinúviel Moriquendi v.d. Buckiscope
Just Olympia v´t Chielewout Banners Lubberline Chock Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Banners Brown and Serve
Xena Venezia van´t Chielewout Darwin
Tinúviel Moriquendi v.d. Buckiscope
ust Olympia v´t Chielewout Banners Lubberline Chock Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Banners Brown and Serve
Xena Venezia van´t Chielewout Darwin
Tinúviel Moriquendi v.d. Buckiscope